Subject and Objectives

Subject and Objectives of the Postgraduate Studies Program

The core focus of the “Creative and Adapted Physical Education” Postgraduate Program centers on employing interdisciplinary methodologies and practical training to develop exercise programs for children and adolescents, irrespective of disabilities or special educational needs.

This program is seamlessly integrated into the strategic framework of Democritus University of Thrace, guided by academic coherence. Its objectives encompass advancing knowledge, nurturing research, addressing educational and societal needs, and ensuring advanced specialization for graduates within specific cognitive domains, thematic units, or particular branches within the Department’s undergraduate curriculum.

This Postgraduate Program aims to spotlight, support, provide comprehensive training, and specialise graduates from undergraduate studies in areas pertaining to Physical Education, Special/Adapted Physical Education, and broader realms of Sports and Adapted Physical Activity for individuals with or without disabilities or special educational needs. This is accomplished through academic instruction and research endeavours. Specifically, the Program objectives encompass:

  1. Specialization and training in devising, executing, and evaluating programs, teaching methodologies, and resources related to Physical Education and Special/Adapted Physical Education, serving educational objectives across all educational levels and frameworks. This aids in personal development, motor skills enhancement, cognitive and socio-emotional growth, and improving the health status of individuals, inclusive of those with disabilities or special educational needs.
  2. Specialization and training in crafting methods, organizing, and guiding exercises for individuals with or without disabilities or special educational needs in extracurricular motor and sports programs, whether associated with educational institutions or not. The aim is to foster personal development, enhance motor skills, facilitate cognitive and socio-emotional growth, and improve their health status.
  3. Specialization and training in creative engagement techniques and methods aiming to enhance the quality of life for children and adolescents, irrespective of disabilities or special educational needs.

This Postgraduate Program offers two specializations: “Creative Physical Education” and  “Adapted Physical Education.”